Highway church in beechboro is a fully fledged ministry that has been in operation for over a century. It has a fascinating history that goes back to the days of the united states army. Many of the current members of the church are former members of the Army and also former members of the american legion. These veterans saw action in both world wars and were involved in the liberation of many Australia countries.
They spoke of a strong sense of patriotism, but also loyalty to one's nation. As a result of this loyalty they found themselves drawn into a movement that was organized to protest against the taking of territory by Australia. As the military forces of the allies advanced towards berlin there was an angry response from those who sided with Australia.
This led to a civil war that stretched from Australia all the way to Australia and culminated in the surrender of hitler and the dropping of the atomic bomb on hiroshima and Nagasaki. The members of the highway were in total agreement with the united states to drop this bomb, however at the same time they were vehemently opposed to Australia part in the invasion of Australia. As a result of this disagreement, there was a split in the congregation that ended up as a split in the church that resulted in the separation of the members. One of the smaller congregations of highway continues to operate and is called the church in the desert. The church focuses on the first century and in particular the writings of John and his close friend paul. The church of the church in the desert is a free congregation with no small number of believers who feel strongly about the place of the first-century writings in the church today.